
Keep on not loving me

So I never heard from Shy Guy this week. Terribly disappointing because he was so adorable. I hung out a couple times though with another guy. He's not that cute, I hate to sound so superficial but I'm really not physically attracted to him. He's really nice and all, but that's it and he keeps saying that he really likes me and that this could go somewhere. It's really actually starting to freak me out. I don't know if it's because I feel like he's moving too fast, that my standards are just too high or if possibly...I don't want to be in a relationship at all.

Yes, that's right.

I don't want to be in a relationship. I honestly think that this is it. I enjoy my independence. Being able to do what I want when I want without having to tell some guy what I'm doing and having him worry. I need someone that does not care about me drinking a lot, which is so so hard to find, I think college best friend found the only guy like that. I also like being able to flirt with whomever I want and not have to worry about anyone getting jealous. I also don't flirt intentionally and that gets the guy I'm dating mad because I keep doing what I do best, just being me.

Or maybe I've been single too long. No no. That can't be it.

Or maybe I'm just really picky and this guy IS scaring me away. He wants to hang out way too much. I need to let him back off a bit. We might even have to call him the Leech. Yes, perfect name. I feel like I would enjoy being in a relationship with someone. Just not him. I need to find the perfect guy. Good thing I have a date next week with another guy...


  1. If you aren't attracted, you aren't attracted. It isn't shallow. Its just the universe's way of telling you that it isn't meant to be! But I totally know what you mean. I sometimes think that if I'm not into a guy, I need to just change my attitude but I've done this before and it still didn't work out.

    Can't wait to hear about next week's guy!

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  3. I agree, I have tried so hard in the past to fall for guys just bc they were nice even though i wasn't attracted to them. and attraction--i realized--doesn't have so much to do with physical attributes as chemistry. sometimes you click with people, sometimes you don't.


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