
I think I'll go to Boston....

So this next one. I'm kinda of at a loss on how to start it because our story doesn't begin right after Portuguese guy. It actually starts 5 years prior, when I was nothing but a child working at Really Big Insurance Company during the summers of college. This is when I first learned the power I had over the male species, particularly the older men. I was thrilled by what simply smiling could do to them. This is when I first met Boston guy. We would flirt with each while I made hundreds pointless copies at the copy machine that was nicely placed in front of his cube. As the summer went on I didn't bother dressing as professionally and my skirts got shorter (which he would later tell me he still thinks about to this day). I thought he was already married (see: picture of girlfriend and son on desk), so I knew it would go no where but we both could definitely feel that sexual tension when I gave him a hug on my last day there.

Fast forward 3 years, we start chatting on facebook after all this time. He has been married (and divorced). Conversations start as friendly banter and then turn more sexual. Note: This is when things started to get rocky with Class 5. Obviously nothing ever really happened because I was in OH and he was in RI. Eventually we just stopped talking.

Jump to March of this year, we start talking again because I've just moved back to CT and working full time for Really Big Insurance Company (guess those summers of goofing off and flirting really paid off!). He's transfered to the office in Boston so he's no longer there but we catch up and agree to maybe meet up sometime. I ditch him for Portuguese. Then here's where my back up motto comes in. After Portuguese guy disappears I right away text who we now would call Boston Guy and tell him we should meet up. He agrees. I think it's going to be a casual thing. No IT'S A DATE. He takes me to see the Ballet and gets us a hotel room for the night. Of course I had the obligation to bang, but really, I wanted to anyways I mean after all I did wait 5 years to do that! After that we spend every other weekend together and become official. It's awesome because after 5 years of lusting after each other we're FINALLY together. Things are great even though it's long distance, we gchat, skype, text whatever.

But like anything the honeymoon must end. During the summer I get fed up with my job at Really Big Insurance Company and decide that I don't want to live in CT anymore. So one day I find an apartment and announce that in a month I'm moving to Boston. Of course, it's just convenient that he just moved to a suburb of Boston and we can FINALLY have a normal non-long distance relationship. I'm looking forward to not having to get hotel rooms and drive for hours just to see him for a few. I know he's wary about the move...afraid that I'm moving for him. But seriously I was NOT. So finally my move rolls around and he's AWESOMEEEE and does all this heavy lifting for me ie. moves all my furniture. All my friends are gushing about how great a guy he is etc.

Great my ass. Four days after the big move I'm single. So I'm already stressed out about the job situation and the move. So basically he kicks me when I'm down. I know he had a lot of stuff going on too but really? He didn't even really have a real reason for the break up and I'm devastated and a hot mess at work that day (I also drove 1.5 hours to see him...to get dumped then had to drive 1.5 hours the next day back to CT for work). This is when motto comes in again...I immediately text WI guy and we plan another trip right then and there.

But the story doesn't end here dear friend. There are few indiscretions of drunk texting after the break up. Including one a little over a month ago which led to a date. I realize I was not full over him at this point but I agreed anyways. We went to see a dance performance and then out to dinner. It was like our first date all over again and I missed him. He had his hand on my knee the whole time. He flirted (he tried to come home with me but I drew the line there). And then the next day I told him I wish he would give us another chance and I never heard from him again. Asshole. He did text me on Thanksgiving and I ignored him. I'm completely cutting him out of my life and have no spoken to him since. Instead I have found other boys to occupy my time. :)


  1. Firstly - I love that song by Augustana :)

    Secondly - Damn! I thought I would like this guy too. But yeah, what you said - Asshole...

  2. Haha, you know he was great even with the break up until that last date and never responded!


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