
You can pick a field full of daisies

Last night as I sat in the living room with my roommate and her boyfriend (the third wheel as usual), I realized how ridiculous my love life the past couple years have been. The best part is, it continues to get more hilarious and ridiculous as the years go on. It's really funny at the time everything is happening. But looking back on it now, I can't really help but laugh at myself, mostly because my life is a joke. So here's my anonymous blog of a girl just looking for love and mostly in all the wrong places (ie. dark corners of bars and crowded dorm room parties).

Here's some short profiles of the guys I have had come in and out of my life.

Name: Engaged Ex
Time dated: 3 years
Our story: He dated my now best friend from home. I wasn't really friends with her until college so it was fine that we dated. However, the relationship had run its course, at least for me it had, it was another story for him. The short version- I left for college started drinking and making up a new life and he was still hanging on. I broke up with him and disaster ensued. He would leave 10 minute messages on my phone, 5 page long emails blah blah blah.
Where we are now: His dad passed away about 2 years ago and that was the last time we talked. I haven't physically seen him since the day I left for college 3.5 years ago. He's now engaged to some girl that is like 5 years older than me, which I'm fine with because 1. he got fat and 2. that would have been me and I'm no where near ready to get married. (I secretly want to crash the wedding).

Name: The Shy Ginger
Time dated: 7 months
Our story: And here starts the crash course dating I experienced in college. We had a lot of mutual friends, but I was out going and he was very very quiet. I had my fair share of hook ups (who doesn't want to make out with a drunk freshman girl?) but I met this quiet guy and decided that to settle down for the rest of my freshman year. We were an odd couple needless to say and kind of boring.
Where we are now: We broke up over the summer because I started seeing this guy that I had a crush on in high school. We're not really friends but we still say hi to each other. I moved to another group of friends which is why we don't hang out, if I didn't, I bet we'd still be pretty close.

Name: The Drug Dealer
Time dated: not long enough to matter
Our story: He was my dance teachers son, and had to take tap class because he didn't to a sport. We would sit together and talk during ballet (I took ballet on a different night), but we never dated because we never had the guts to tell each other how we felt and then I started to date the Engaged Ex. When I came back from college for that first summer, I saw him at the recital and we clicked again. We went out on a few dates, I broke up with the Shy Ginger. But then he stopped calling. Mostly because he got arrested for dealing at the beach. I would call him drunkenly sometimes but nothing ever really came out of that.

Name: Biggest Mistake
Time dated: 9 months
Our story: Sophomore year, I blacked out at a party so my friends carried me up to their room and deposited me on their futon and I still demanded shots of vodka (they gave me water and I knew it was water and yelled at them). The Biggest Mistake was there that night because he was friends with them and laughed at me because I was crazy. I passed out and him and his roommate were like is she dead? I sat up said no and passed right back out. We became facebook friends and started talking. We hung out, but I was too afraid to commit to a relationship and he was getting mad. Finally, I gave in and we started officially dating. Things went well for awhile, but then the honeymoon ended and he was an asshole to me. Started telling me I was too demanding and that I was manipulating. We left for winter break on bad terms, but stayed together because I had plane tickets to go see him (I also cheated on him twice with the same guy over break). I did go see him and everything went back to normal, except I tore my ACL, which would change my life for good (I was a dancer- and would never go back to it). After my accident I was always upset and he was not comforting at all and after my surgery he said that I was too depressing to be around and would leave me in my room alone while he went out and got drunk. He later even told me that he didn't love me anymore. Why did I still stay with a guy that wouldn't even visit me after my surgery you ask? I don't have the answer to that. But we stayed together until summer, when I finally decided to slowly end the relationship. I stopped calling him as much and finally it ended.
Where we are now: He acts as if I don't exist, therefore I do that same. We can pass each other on campus and act like those 9 months of our lives never even happened. (He wasn't even that good of a bang).

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