I decided the other day that I needed to do something with my life that made me feel good about myself (other than my usual retail therapy...my credit card is hurting at the moment :/ ). I was huge on volunteering in college and high school, so I decided to continue with that and signed up for big brothers, big sisters. I'm really excited about it because it will give me a chance to NOT be a third wheel once a week.
This morning I went to my interview (you know find out if I'm a creeper or anything) and one of the questions was what my relationship status is (single), is there potential for a relationship in the near future (nope), have a had a relationship in the past 6 months (I can't really count The Brit because we never officially dated). Dude, let me tell you throughout this painful part of the questioning I tried to keep a nice happy smile on my face. But the girl interviewing me kept giving me this very sad "I am so sorry" kind of look and I really just wanted to punch her in the face. Just because I'm single and have been for quiet sometime does not mean I need your sympathy. Being single is NOT the end of the world people.
Okay, yes I DO want a boyfriend because I'm a sucker for having a nice broad shoulder to lean on and having someone to call me beautiful and someone to make me feel like the center of the world and have stupid fights with and I'm not going to lie I love sex (and I'm in a serious drought right now grrrrr). But sometimes I'm like shit, I like being single. I don't have a guy to worry about where he is, if he's cheating on me. I have endless amounts of alone time. I don't have anyone to compete with about intelligence. I know I whine and complain about being single, but sometimes it's nice to be alone. I watch my roomie and her bf and how she gets frustrated when he is relentless in a debate and how sometimes she just wants to chill without him but he comes over EVERYNIGHT and I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. BUT FOR GODSAKES PEOPLE THERE IS NO NEED TO FEEL SORRY FOR THE SINGLE GIRL. Having a BF is NOT everything. Which is why I'm there to volunteer. I'm sure the girl was thinking too, "Oh this poor girl has no man in her life which is why she is volunteer because she has nothing better to do." I'm just trying to MAKE A DIFFERENCE not fill up my pathetic single girl life because I have no boyfriend. I know I sound pretty pathetic from my repsonses to my questions because I have had no relationships lately and maybe I have been lonely. But I get by.
SO people, next time you meet a single girl please please please don't give her a sympathetic look or pat her on the shoulder and tell her that it's okay because the right man will come around. Shove a drink in her face and tell her to drink up, hit the dance floor and have some fun! I wish my friends would do that to me, mostly just because I like free drinks.
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Caught your comment in The Single Blogger on 20sb and had to read the full post. I am sick of those looks too. I'm 21 and about to graduate college and it seems like every time I go home for break, my family members all want to know, "Soooooooo do you have a boyfriend yet?" Or high school friends are a little more subtle with the question: "Any boys in the picture?" Um. No. Sorry to disappoint. I agree with you - I'd certainly like a bf too, but really, being single isn't the end of the world. Especially since I have no idea where I'll be once graduation rolls around in May and I have to start life in the real world. At least I have no obligations to a significant other to consider.
ReplyDeleteGeeez! You're just trying to make a difference in the world, back off lady! She's just jealous she didn't have enough fun in her single days. Enjoy it! It's supposed to be fun!! (Cheers!!)