
Don't be bitter, be better 2011

So this year is almost over and I still haven't finished writing about this year's adventures. But I figured I'd sum it up like I did last years.


Started it off with a bang. Or a black out, which ever you prefer. Met WI guy had an amazing time realized me life is fucked up. Moved to CT, got a job (made some awesome friends) and a boyfriend. Hated said job and long distance with said boyfriend, made plans to move to Boston. Moved to Boston, said boyfriend dumps me. Join online dating site, go boy crazy in Boston. Join a dance studio, go crazy in Boston on dance. Become a trainer, find my calling in life.

I may still be single but for the first time in a long time I'm perfectly content with that. Dating is fun for now, and if I meet the right person, that would be fantastic. But I now know there's so much more to life. The people I have met through dance are probably the best, most inspirational people I have ever met. Meeting them has helped me put all my past nastiness behind me and learn how to embrace my life as it is. I don't need a boyfriend (though it would be nice) I just need people that actually care. In the past most of my friends have been replaceable. You can always find a new partner in crime, a new clique to join, a new study buddy, work out friend. But you can't replace people that have sincerely helped bring out the best in you and never seek to bring you down.

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